What is the Medea Academy

Medea Academy 2022

The MEDEA Academy is an annual international event that provides learning courses and practices sharing in the field of health and social sector innovation. It is organized by MEDEA in collaboration with reference international partners. Each year, a specific topic is covered that embraces a multidimensional perspective: enabling technologies, policies, and sustainability. The red thread over the years is the integration of local dimension and international scenario and the organization of dedicated events, particularly Summer Schools, alternating with sponsorship of international events.

A multidisciplinary team of experts is the distinctive element of the Academy with established experience in research, co-design, implementation and assessment of technology-based health care services. They share their knowledge and expertise to co-design, deliver and assess the impact of innovative solutions and services. Case Studies and best practices at local and European level are presented and discussed to share innovation determinants and lessons learnt.

Thanks to the strong international connotation and the specific education format, the MEDEA Academy is able to strengthen the synergy between research and services communities and enable strategies to maximize the impact of the innovation towards a more effective research and sustainable healthcare services.

Rachele Marziali

“I think the Medea Academy provides a solid basis for working on projects concerning innovation in social and care contexts. The training days are structured by alternating lectures with extremely inspiring group activities supervised by experts in the field. The atmosphere is serene and welcoming and there is constant discussion!”

Serena Malloggi

“The MEDEA Academy was an excellent opportunity to address the difficult topic of introducing innovation in social and care contexts. This summer school offers a solid theoretical basis on the topic, providing also useful practical tools to introduce innovative services in your own working context. In this respect, the group activities and focus groups have been extremely formative.”

Rory Coyne

“The MEDEA Academy was an excellent learning opportunity for me as a PhD student in Psychology. I had never conducted a focus group interview before, and the training and resources I acquired at the MEDEA Academy provided me with the skills necessary to apply this approach successfully.”

Ileana Ciobanu

“I am a neurobiologist, researcher in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. MEDEA ACADEMY was for me a wonderful experience. The high level of the educational content, the participation of real experts presenting their research results in interactive mode, the active involvement of all participants – PhD students, research, healthcare, social care organisation representatives as well as the valuable participation of social actors generated an intense interdisciplinary effervescence with beautiful results. All participants benefit from the wonderfully organised MEDEA ACADEMY events, real crucibles for social research and development with and for the people. Thank you, MEDEA Project!”