Medea Academy 2022

Medea Academy 2022

Service Innovation for Active & Healthy Lifestyle

June 20-23, 2022 – Artimino (Italy)

ArtiminoThe COVID pandemic experienced increasing adoption of IT-based services for Active and Healthy lifestyle (AHL), but a systemic dimension of the innovation is still far to be reached and it requires multidisciplinary factors are properly understood and addressed. At the same time, technology advancement, especially in data science, plays a pivotal role in the service innovation adoption.

The MEDEA Academy has been designed for early career researchers who are focusing on the research and development of service innovation for AHL also based on technology adoption. The Academy has a program of activities, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, which will offer training in technology, health, social science and business topics. The Academy will adopt both a multidisciplinary and cross-sector perspective and will examine a number of exemplar Case Studies at local and European level.

The MEDEA Academy is a unique opportunity for early career researchers who are interested in the promotion of service innovation and technology adoption. Training will be provided by a multi-disciplinary team comprised of researchers, social and behavioral scientists, service providers and innovation managers with a track record in the analysis, implementation and evaluation of service innovation and technology adoption. They will share their knowledge and guidance related to innovative ways to deliver solutions and services which will have significant societal and scientific impact.

In continuity with the training program, a set of Parallel Events will be the opportunity for sharing local and European Good Practices and creating networking among the stakeholders of the Service Innovation value chain.

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